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ring like adj.似環的,環狀的。

ring lock

The exquisite gentlemen of the finest breeding wore little pendent trinkets that chinked as they languidly moved ; these golden fetters rang like precious little bells ; and what with that ringing , and with the rustle of silk and brocade and fine linen , there was a flutter in the air that fanned saint antoine and his devouring hunger far away 受過最優秀教養的精雅的先生們掛著小小的飾物,在他們懶洋洋地行動時叮當作響,一-這類黃金的鐐烤真像些寶貴的小鈴鐺。一方面有黃金佩飾的叮當,一方面有絲綢衣裙的響聲,于是空氣便掀動起來,把圣安托萬和他那吞噬著人們的饑餓吃得遠遠的。

A reasonable mechanism of the concentric ring like patterns on the surface of phbv spherulite was given first . the segregation of hv content between cystal and amorphous parts was observed and the phenomena caused were discussed 首次對phbv球晶表面觀察到的同心圓環條紋的成因作了合理解釋,揭開了這一現象形成的本質。

On the surface of phbv spherulite , some concentric ring like patterns will occur . based on the procedure of the formation of ring - like patterns , the possible mechanism is given 在球晶的表面出現有同心圓環狀條紋,經實驗驗證為表面的不平整所導致,形成機理主要可能是結晶過程中的體積收縮。

This kind cell phone consists of two parts : one is the armillary transmitter ( 話筒 ) can be wore on the wrist ; another is the finger ring like headphone ( 聽筒 ) can be wore on the same hand ' s finger 這種手機有兩部分:一是可以帶在手腕上形狀如手鐲的話筒;戴在同一只手上的戒指狀聽筒。

Some of the nebulae exhibit a set of concentric rings like bull ' s - eyes , possibly indicating that the ejection process was episodic rather than continuous 有些星云顯露出一組圓形標靶般的同心環結構,可能暗示噴發氣殼的過程并不連貫。

Caption : : titan shines beyond the rings like a brilliant ring of fire , its light gleaming here and there through the gaps in saturn ' s magnificent plane of ice 土衛六泰坦披著一層濃密的大氣,在土星環后顯示著它散射太陽的光芒。

I see a colored ring like a rainbow around lights 我看到燈光周圍有像彩虹一樣的彩色圓圈。

He abandoned the noiseless transparencies and pointed at the centre of the spreading rings like a setter . 他不再去弄那些無聲的透明小生物了,卻像個調節者似的指著逐漸擴散的漣漪的中心。